The London Riots - Do as i say, not as i do...

I don't condone what's happening in any way shape or form but I was at first happy that a stand was being made against injustices because sometimes the only way change can come about is through conflict but it has now been overshadowed by looting and random violence...a real stand takes planning and clear objectives.

If there is one thing i have seen during these riots is that everyone has an opinion and judgements to make against the revellers and other peoples opinions, this blog is my view on it all.

Most people's first instinct is to curse the people looting and many people seem shocked at the revellers and looters being seen robbing JD sports and TV shops, etc.  Whilst they are far from blameless and very shameless, their behaviour does not really shock me...not because i think black people and/or people from these areas are worthless or because i think they are animals but because firstly, looting happens with almost every riot i have ever come across, it is just reported differently depending on the people, location, political agenda and sometimes news channel...words are powerful!

Secondly, because we live in a time where extreme materialism is the norm and most people's value systems are in-line with the times. This country has a history of and still to this day bombs innocent men, women and children; robs and loots other countries of their natural resources continually...why?.... POWER and GREED!

They then leave those countries with little to trade with, lends them money from what they stole at a crippling interest rates and make them sell what little they do have left to trade with at a ridiculously low prices and never able to pay back the ever growning debt.

At the same time back in GREAT Britain....cutting jobs, benefits, healthcare, education, youth service budgets and just about anything else they can and take taxes from us to pay for the looting and pillaging they are carrying out abroad and making money by contracting out everything to do with war including the rebuilding of the countries they destroy; to their privately owned companies.

...Basically this government are bullying poor people out of their natural resources and taking money out of YOUR pocket to do so....this is on the news everyday too...yet i very rarely see anyone blink or make comment on it or the many other iniquities going on around us never mind call this government animals or say they are ashamed to be British! 

I am not excusing  or condoning what is happening because it disgusting, allowing the media to detract from the real issues; reinforcing stereotypes and taking out of the pockets of other people in the same position....all i am saying is i cant look at this situation in isolation or lambaste the looters is not surprising to me.  Do you blame your throat for a cough or the cold? The cause not the symptom right?

We live in a society of materialism where our government are one of the most hypercritical, morally non-compliant, bullying tea leafs on the planet, where the community leader is the man with the biggest car, where you are judged on what you have more than who you are, where people judge themselves by what they have or  DO NOT HAVE ....we have a generation of youths that are mistreated, disenfranchised,  angry, poor and most importantly, have extremely distorted value systems governing their thoughts and actions because societies values have no values in anything other than money...what do you expect? It's the life we have all sat back and watched happen.

If you are at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to acquiring what society says "makes you somebody" GET IT by any means necessary!

"Rich people don't loot and happy people don't riot"

"A riot is the language of the unheard" 
(Martin Luther King, Jr)

"I don't mean go out and get violent; but at the same time you should never be non-violent unless you run into some nonviolence. I'm non-violent with those who are nonviolent with me. But when you drop that violence on me, then you've made me go insane, and I'm not responsible for what I do."
(El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz aka Malcolm X)


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