Powerful words
My gran passed a year ago and i was thinking about the fact that the love i feel from and for her has not gone anywhere...it's not just a memory of a feeling, it is still a very real almost physical energy that is within me and is not going anywhere. I see her in my mums smile and my sisters turn of phrase and smile when i think of her. That feeling, that energy is now an actual part of who i am...that thought got me to write this blog, maybe for clarification in my own mind or just to write it down so bare with me on this one it could be a bit of a hippy sounding ramble :-p
I am a lover of words. If you have read the rest of my blog posts it aint hard to see i love poetry! Sometimes I might read something that changes the way i see one particular thing or have a knock on effect on the way i see many things that have passed and how i might respond to the things life brings my way in the future.
When someone says i love you or that they hate you and mean it, you don't just hear it or think about it...you feel it. If someone does not like you but is the best actor in the world...you still know on some level (well i do lol). Those times when your spirit just does not take to someone but you cant put your finger on it...its generally because of the energy that they generate and/or carry with them. That's not always to say that they are not good people but just that your energies don't blend well or relate to each other for whatever reason and sometimes they just are bad minded people (i cant pretend!) Anyway...
A few years ago i came across Dr Masaru Emoto who once did an experiment on water using different words, such as love, hate, etc and the results showed amazing effects on the crystallised water.
Now consider that our bodies are made up of around 57-60% water! and water might not be the only thing it will effect...who is to say words don't effect the air, matter and whatever else around us? After all EVERYTHING is made of of atoms and molecules...chances are words can do a lot more than we know....Deeeeeeep lol
With words, thoughts, intentions even just looking at something can change the things around us (watch the double slit experiment) we have the power to physically change our surroundings and do so every day in every day acts that we do so often that's its hard to comprehend how amazing they actually are in the scheme of things but also on a level that you might not have even considered before.
Energy does not die it changes. When they say electrical signals take place in your brain, it is actual physical energy...that energy that thought, turns into an intention, that intention speaks a word that word leaves your mouth and creates changes to or surroundings or the listener who then might create more energy through having received yours... even if there is no one around!
The conclusion i am coming to is that when someone such as my grandmother or anyone gives you energy...because the energy was positive i.e. love, I willing accepted it and made it part of me....I suppose the same can be said of negative energy that comes your way only difference being you have to learn how to shake it off and not allow it to become part of you.
Also it reinforces the whole karma thing for me and reminds me to live, speak and think in a positive way towards myself and others (when possible haha). It's comforting to think that people who have given me love and passed have left a bit of themselves with me and also that my actions might enable me to do the same for those i love.......
I wonder how many times i wrote energy? lol
The conclusion i am coming to is that when someone such as my grandmother or anyone gives you energy...because the energy was positive i.e. love, I willing accepted it and made it part of me....I suppose the same can be said of negative energy that comes your way only difference being you have to learn how to shake it off and not allow it to become part of you.
Also it reinforces the whole karma thing for me and reminds me to live, speak and think in a positive way towards myself and others (when possible haha). It's comforting to think that people who have given me love and passed have left a bit of themselves with me and also that my actions might enable me to do the same for those i love.......
I wonder how many times i wrote energy? lol
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